Jan 17, 2023

HIV/AID PREVENTION PROGRAM among of program which implementing by TCSO a recipient of PEPFAR support through HJFMRI/WRP-T, implementing HIV and AIDS interventions in Kyela DC at Mbeya Region.

The program aims at reducing new HIV infections among KVP groups and the community at large through offering HIV testing services: Index testing, Mobile testing, HIV- Self test, MJ testing and SNS testing. Creating demand in use of Preventive Measures; PrEP and Condoms. Again, the Program offers CBHSP services which aims at increasing retention of PLHIV and reducing IIT at facilities levels hence improving adherence to ART Services.

Moreover, the program aims at providing GBV/VAC Services, and provision of health education on risks behaviors accelerating to new HIV infection in the community such as bad gender norms

The targeted group which TCSO is working with are; People living with HIV, and Key Population; Female sex workers, MSM, PWID.