Pray with Us

Pray with Us

Our Christian faith leads us to believe every person is created in God’s image and deserves life in all its fullness. In our work around the world, we see children and women being kept from reaching their full potential. We see injustice, inequality, corruption and disasters affect the lives and futures of children in every context. We show our experience of the unconditional love of Jesus Christ in our work. We are called to be witnesses and serve as a reflection of God’s unconditional love.


What We do


Our calling as a non-government organization under umbrella of Christian humanitarian, to serve the most vulnerable children, brings our staff into some of the most difficult political and physical environments in the world. It is in these places that we seek to see lives transformed by Jesus Christ as He works through our lives, deeds, words and signs. We believe that through hope, restoration and renewal is possible even in the most difficult places, which is why we work through relief, development and advocacy approaches in contexts where the most vulnerable children struggle to survive.

We are part of a movement

Faith plays a vital role in our world. More than 85 per cent of the world is religious and faith leaders are the most trusted in many places. We work with people of all faiths and none, because we believe God can work through all people to achieve His purposes. We cannot achieve our mission on our own; we seek to collaborate with a wide spectrum of partners, supporters and others to transform the lives of children, families and communities.

Shaped by our faith and our experience of the world, we see that most people share common values of compassion, love and mercy and are willing to partner in changing children’s lives. So, we ignite and join movements for child well-being, mobilizing all people including donors and supporters, Christians and the Church, as well as other faith leaders, secular institutions and government actors. 

Non-government organization working to provide Services to people in need, to advocate for justice and social structure by influencing change in policies, programs, and practices.

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